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New Horst scatter shot, single pinner, broadcast spreader, hydraulic drive, self loading unit, ½ yard capacity and 3 to 40' spread width, includes hydraulic hoses and flat faced couplers. Unit width is 48". ssl q/t
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New Horst scatter shot, single pinner, broadcast spreader, hydraulic drive, self loading unit, ½ yard capacity and 3 to 40' spread width, includes hydraulic hoses and flat faced couplers. Unit width is 48". ssl q/t
$4,200 CAD / $2,932 USD
front weights, carrier and guard for T6
$1,200 CAD / $837.81 USD
10x 40kg front weights from T5.115
$1,200 CAD / $837.81 USD
10x 40kg front weights from a T5
$1,500 CAD / $1,047 USD
8x40kg weights from T5.110DC with the weight carrier but no hardware
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Super Centurion 158 3 POINT HITCH CATEGORY 1 WITH MECHANICAL SIDE SHIFT, CAST IRON GEAR BOX 540 RPM WITH INTEGRATED FREE WHEEL DEVICE AND PASS-THROUGH SHAFT 2 BELT DRIVE TRANSMISSION WITH SCREW ADJUSTABLE TENSIONER (STANDARD), rotor /hammer blades, adjust rear roller, universal PTO shaft cat 4, side shift = 280mm (11in), 15-50 hp req., mow cut = 62", total unit width 72", wgt = 628lbs