$41,200 CAD / $28,815 USD
cab,air,4 sets aux,very good rubber,new synchro,very nice tractor
$71,500 CAD / $50,007 USD
cab,air,50km transmission,Auto Command,4 sets aux,42" rubber,loader ready,electric joystick with valves
$10,650 CAD / $7,449 USD
silage special,hyd pick up,twine only,excellent belts
$53,650 CAD / $37,523 USD
Bi-directional,hydro trans,7614 loader, bucket,PTO,4 sets aux,3pt (no arms),backend drawbar,weights,hitch,2 sets aux,38" rubber,fronts new rear 60%,wheel weights
$49,650 CAD / $34,725 USD
Deluxe cab,air,Stoll FZ40 loader,alo bucket,LH reverse,2 sets aux,clean tractor
$54,650 CAD / $38,222 USD
cab,air,NH loader bucket Alo attach,18.4x34 tires,3 sets aux,12F/12R, LH F/R shuttle,nice tractor
$2,250 CAD / $1,574 USD
6x6 chain baler,double tie,auto wrap,auto oiler,very good
$42,500 CAD / $29,724 USD
canopy,Alo loader with bucket(hyd attach),2sets aux,excellent rubber,very nice
$17,200 CAD / $11,949 USD
super boom,decent rubber,approx 3500 hours? according to previous owner
$74,500 CAD / $52,105 USD
powershift,cab,air,front 3pt/aux,4 sets rear aux,42" tires
$32,600 CAD / $22,800 USD
cab,air,Powershift,LH rev,new front tires,backs are 40%,4 sets aux,runs good
$6,250 CAD / $4,371 USD
processor,2 row 824 corn head,890W hay head,poor paint