$7,250 CAD / $5,032 USD
impeller,10ft wide,540pto
$109,800 CAD / $76,202 USD
Only 858 Original 1 Owner Hours Came From A Small Municipality Water & Sewer Division (Easy Hours/Mostly Idling) Cab W/Heat & Air Conditioning & Radio & Hydraulic Suspension Seat 5 Speed Powershift W/Auto-Shift Option 40kph Transmission Ride Control Pilot Control W/Pattern Changer For Backhoe Work Light Package Block Heater For Easy Winter Starts 24" Rear Bucket Flip Over Stabilizer Pads $109,800 + HST 13% Sales Tax Finance & Delivery Available
CVT, prêt pour autoguidage, 4RM, 40 km, siège à suspension, a/c, pneus 650/85R38 et 750/65R28 Stock # 595134
$32,000 CAD / $22,241 USD
Faucheuse conditionneuse John Deere 956, année 2015, largeur de travail de 15.5 pieds, conditionneur à fléaux, attaches par 2 points trainé, timon avec pivot central, entrainement par PTO 1000, kit et lumières pour le transport. Financement disponible
$229,000 CAD / $159,160 USD
Batteuse John Deere S670, année 2012, heures moteur 3500, heures ROTOR 2400, moteur 6 cylindres turbo diesel, 4X4, feeder tilt latéral avec trappe à roches, feeder à vitesse variable, concave pour petit et gros grains et maïs, poulie variable pour table à petit grain, capteur de rendement, big top mécanique, vis de déchargement pour table de 30 pieds, cabine avec chauffage et A/C, siège avec suspension à l'air, moniteur, lumières de travail, miroirs, gyrophare, chopper standard. Pneus avant 20.8R42 avec roues doubles sur essieux Firestone Pneus arrière 750/65R26 Financement disponible. 3500 heures, 6 cylindres, Roues avant: 620/85R42, Roues arrière: 28L-26, Diesel, 4RM, 500.0 CV
$204,000 CAD / $141,578 USD
Pro-Drive transmission, 4wd, 650/85R38 + 600/65R28 tires, duals, Contour master, chopper, air seat, grain monitor, single point, 26 ft auger, electric Big Top, AutoTrac Ready
$510,000 CAD / $353,945 USD
Pro-Drive transmission, 4wd, 750/65R28 + 650/85R38 tires, duals, Contour master, chopper, spreader, air seat, yield and moisture sensors, grain monitor, automatic height control, single point, 26 ft auger, electric Big Top, 4600 10 in. Color touch display
$550,000 CAD / $381,706 USD
hydrostatic transmission, 4wd, 750/65r26 + 650/85R38 tires, duals, Contour master, chopper, spreader, leather air seat, yield and moisture sensors, grain monitor, automatic height control, single point, 22,5 ft auger, electric Big Top, 4600 10 in. Color touch display
$122,000 CAD / $84,669 USD
hydrostatic transmission, 4wd, 600/65R28 + 18,4R38 tires, duals, Contour master, chopper, air seat, yield and moisture sensors, grain monitor, single point, Big Top
$701,000 CAD / $486,501 USD
Pro-Drive transmission, 4wd, 750/65R26 + 650/85R38 tires, duals, tracks ready axle,Contour master, chopper, spreader, leather air seat, yield and moisture sensors, grain monitor, automatic height control, single point, 28,5 ft auger, electric Big Top, 4600 10 in. Color touch display
$293,500 CAD / $203,692 USD
Pro-Drive transmission, 4wd, IF900/60R42 + 750/65R26 tires, crop processor, IronGuard, automatic sharpenning, automatic lube, air seat, 2nd seat, mirrors, camera
$159,000 CAD / $110,348 USD
Pro-Drive transmission, 4wd, 540/65R24 + 800/65R32 tires, crop processor, IronGuard, air seat, mirrors, preservative tank