$34,650 CAD / $24,234 USD
cab,air,Dynashift,3 sets aux,decent rubber
$17,200 CAD / $11,949 USD
super boom,decent rubber,approx 3500 hours? according to previous owner
$5,300 CAD / $3,707 USD
96" w/ hyd rotator,hyd chute,5 paddle,32" fan,540 pto
$6,800 CAD / $4,756 USD
12ft snow pusher,wings,bucket attach,spring trip, cutting edge HD
$6,850 CAD / $4,791 USD
narrow front,new 16.9x38 Firestones,nice tractor
$6,850 CAD / $4,791 USD
one set aux,tractor runs engine has blow by,good rear tires
$1,475 CAD / $1,032 USD
with transport,pto,plastic hopper
$1,375 CAD / $961.67 USD
with transport,pto,plastic hopper
$34,500 CAD / $24,129 USD
cab,air,new rubber,2 sets aux,power shuttle new clutch and dampner plate
$9,250 CAD / $6,469 USD
tarp,lights,12 ton Horst on 425 tires,red
$22,000 CAD / $15,387 USD
on Horst wagons with 425 tires,tarp,lights, for the pair
$38,800 CAD / $27,137 USD
cab,AC,24 speed,LH rev.,2 sets aux,good tires,runs very good