$58,500 CAD / $40,659 USD
Recently Added
2013, JD 410K, 4wd, power shift, 4115 hrs, air cond, Ride Control, recent full major service done by dealer, PCLS hydraulics, never been in salt, super clean, work ready. HST applies.
Listed price:
$28,500 CAD / $19,740 USD
Contact dealer for final sale price
Case 580L only 2727 original hours, 4wd, ex rubber, 2 buckets, very clean very tight machine. (no extend-a-hoe) local farmer owned trade, never been in the salt
$44,000 CAD / $30,581 USD
2011, JD 6430, 16 speed Power Quad with left hand reverser, 10,600 hours, very clean good working tractor for the hours, no rust...never been in salt.
$135,000 CAD / $93,828 USD
2004 JD 9220, 18 PS, 4 remotes, 7174 hrs, PTO, 620/70R42 tires, very clean tractor.
$175,000 CAD / $121,629 USD
JD 7230R, 2853 hrs, 24 spd PS with E range, left hand reverser, rear wheel weights, 480/80R50, 540/1000 PTO, super clean local trade.
Listed price:
$138,000 CAD / $97,012 USD
Contact dealer for final sale price
2003 JD 9420T, 6300 hrs, 18 spd PS, PTO, 30 inch tracks, very clean tractor, tracks are good. Drive wheels, idlers, and boogies are all new.
Listed price:
$28,500 CAD / $19,670 USD
Contact dealer for final sale price
John Deere 410D Backhoe, 4wd, 3826 hrs, just got new front tires, extend-a-hoe, left hand forward -reverse shuttle, runs and operates well.
$98,000 CAD / $68,112 USD
New Holland TG275 19 Speed Power Shift, 5986 hrs, Cummins Engine, 4 remotes, SuperSteer front axle, Rear Tires 480/80R46 @ 90%, Front Tires 380/85R34.
$59,500 CAD / $41,354 USD
low profile 16 spd Power Quad with left hand reverser, 2 remotes, JD 640 self leveling loader, 18.4-30 rears, 12.4-24 fronts, quick hitch, wheel weights, Financing Available
$29,500 CAD / $20,503 USD
Power Shift, 18.4X38's, 6389 hrs, runs and operates excellent, super clean straight and original